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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Trócaire Consultant- Rights based study of changes in the lives of vulnerable groups

Trócaire Consultant- Rights based study of changes in the lives of vulnerable groups

Trócaire envisages a just world where people’s dignity is ensured, where rights are respected and basic needs are met; where there is equity in the sharing of resources and where people are free to be the authors of their own development. Trócaire’s ASALs resilience programme (ARP) which is an integrated livelihoods and humanitarian programme focuses on the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of Kenya which cover 80% of the country and experience low, infrequent and unreliable rainfall, thus recurrent droughts.
The livelihoods programme (ARP) wishes to review the effectiveness of the Gender, HIV & AIDS and Protection initiatives carried out by our implementing partners.
This exercise is aimed at identifying and documenting how target beneficiaries (ie disadvantaged communities and vulnerable groups within them, especially women) have experienced our projects (eg support to diversified livelihoods strategies, income generating activities, community managed natural resources etc) and how they perceive the impact of these initiatives.
Main aim of the Consultancy assignment:
To identify and document the ways in which project initiatives have impacted on target beneficiaries in terms of protecting gender and HIV related rights.
Specific objectives:

  • To review project documentation to establish whether gender and HIV issues are adequately and appropriately reflected
  • To identify, analyse and document the ways in which project initiatives have impacted on the lives of different gender groups and those living with, or who are affected by, HIV;
  • To design and initiate a process by which selected stories of change can be followed over time. Requirements:
  • A Bachelor’s degree in social sciences or a related field
  • At least 5 years’ experience of using qualitative research methodologies
  • Expertise in gender and HIV related initiatives
  • Superior written and verbal English skills.
  • Experience in working within the field of development and NGOs.
  • Knowledge of the ASAL context and ability to interact with these communities How to Apply:
    Interested applicants should send an updated CV, a cover letter, contact for 3 professional referees and a writing sample to: E:, and not later than 21st November 2014