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Sunday, 24 August 2014

Industrial Training Programme & Attachments in Kenya - Davis & Shirtliff Ltd

Industrial Training Programme & Attachments in Kenya - Davis & Shirtliff Ltd

Industrial Training Programme & Attachments in Kenya - Davis & Shirtliff Ltd: As part of its CSR activities Davis & Shirtliff offers training attachment to deserving students in institution of higher learning. 
Competition for training places is stiff and it is in the applicant’s interest to ensure that the requirements specified are abided by, to facilitate consideration and processing of applications. 
1. Only 4th year or higher-level University/Colleges students need apply for training. 
2. Training must be authorized and approved by the Institution with whom the applicant is taking the course.
A letter of introduction from the Institution must be attached with all applications.  The letter should state or certify the   following: -
  • That the named applicant is pursuing a prescribed course (state course) of study at the institution.
  • That the student will be covered by a Public Liability Policy through the institute for the period of training.  The policy should cover   against Third Party claims (property damage and bodily injury or death) arising while the student is on attachment
  • That the students will abide by all the rules of the Company. 
3. Indicate the period of training with dates for which the student is applying. 
In case where the institute does not provide insurance cover, the student will be required to personally acquire a suitable policy covering the period of training. 
4. Submit details of any previous training with the company or any other firms. 
5. Provide full details of academic achievements and enclose transcripts for years completed. 
6. Provide references if any. 
7. Applicants will be informed of the outcome or progress by e-mail, the decision being final, and no further correspondence will be entered into.  Personal visits are not encouraged unless specifically invited for interviews. In special circumstances students may be selected for repeat attachment.  
8. Attachment will be offered only once for a particular course but in very exceptional circumstances outstanding students will be given another chance in the duration of that course.  
9.Students must ensure that the correct address, day telephone number and e-mail for correspondence are indicated on the application.
Applications for training places should be hand-written and sent to the HR Department, Davis & Shirtliff Ltd, P O Box 41762, Nairobi, together with supporting documents or e-mailed to Recruitment [at]
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts for the Industrial Training Programmes & Attachments in Kenya - Davis & Shirtliff Ltd.
For more information, requirements, contact details and other related information, see: Industrial Training Programme & Attachments in Kenya - Davis & Shirtliff Ltd