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Thursday 25 February 2016

Tightening and Lubricates the Vagina all at the same time


For Vaginal wall rejunivation 

"Manjakani" is unlike any other lubricant or tightening cream because it tightens naturally while providing just the right amount of lubrication for maximum pleasure and comfort.

What's in it?
Manjakani Plus Gel contains extract of oak galls, a remarkable natural ingredient that increases muscle tension in the lower vagina, enabling a firmer grip for increased sexual enjoyment for both partners. Now, added with extracts of Pueraria Mirifica to further enhance natural lubrication and healthier vaginal elasticity and health.
How does it work?
Oak gall's astringent properties give instant tightening effects, while its antioxidant properties tone up vaginal walls to help reverse the loss of elasticity due to aging, hormonal changes and childbirth. These properties also help reduce problems caused by age-related thinning of vaginal tissues. Its natural antiseptic actions can help to prevent infections.

Effective as a Lubricant too!

As women age, the vaginal lining thins, causing irritation, painful intercourse and increased risk of yeast and bacterial infections. It has been shown that manjakani is able to help restore the health of mucosal tissue, reducing the problems associated with the thinning of the vaginal lining. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, manjakani also aids in healing external tissue damage after childbirth. Externally, it can be used to reduce swellings and bruises caused by minor injuries.
Research has also shown that manjakani extract has natural antiseptic properties that are effective in eliminating bacteria, yeast and fungal infection, the main cause of itching and unpleasant odour in the intimate area. In addition, its astringent properties assist in reducing excessive discharges, which is another cause of unpleasant odour.
Manjakani also maintains the natural colour of the intimate area. Its extract has unique antioxidant properties that are effective in reducing melanin formation and preventing discoloration. Frequent bacterial of fungal infections and the use of harsh soap may cause discoloration (darkening) of the skin around the genital area.
Oak galls are produced when the leaves of the oak tree (scientifically known as Quercus infectoria) are infested by stinging wasps, known as cynips. The spontaneous chemical reaction which follows the infestation, stimulates the leaves to produce a roundish hard ball, called oak gall or manjakani in the Malay language.

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon can I feel the tightening effect of Oriyen Manjakani Plus Gel?
The tightening effect on the vaginal muscles can be felt almost immediately. However maximum effect will be apparent 10 to 15 minutes after application.
Can I use Oriyen Manjakani Plus Gel if my partner is using a condom?
Yes. Yes you can safely use Oriyen Manjakani Plus Gel with condoms, as it does not contain Vaseline?or any other substances that will compromise the integrity of rubber or plastic.
Can Oriyen Manjakani Plus Gel be used with water-based lubricants?
It is not necessary to use water-based or other lubricants when you use Oriyen Manjakani Plus Gel. It already is a water-based lubricant.
Can pregnant or breast-feeding women use Oriyen Manjakani Plus Gel?
Oriyen Manjakani Plus Gel is not recommended for pregnant women. However, it is perfectly safe for use by those who are breast-feeding.
Are there any other uses for Oriyen Manjakani Plus Gel?
Yes. The gel? antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties are suitable for application on minor cuts, bruises and sores on any mucous membrane, including the mouth area. It may also be applied on mild hemorrhoids or piles.


"I liked Manjakani Plus Gel from the first time I used it ... it has changed my life! I hadn't been enjoying sex for sometime because I felt loose and couldn't feel much sensation. I didn't like it whenever my husband initiated sex, so I gave excuses on many occasions. When I finally expressed how I felt to my husband, he was supportive. He had read about Manjakani Plus Gel in a women's magazine, and suggested that we try it. I felt so much tighter and enjoyed our lovemaking that night. My life is happier now because of the gel, the difference it has made is tremendous."

"Manjakani Plus Gel is wonderful, it is really effective. It has tightened my vagina and brings back the enjoyment we had on our first night together. I also find that I don't tear as easily now, but if I do get a little tear on my vagina, Manjakani helps it to heal within a day."

"I used to avoid sex because I was dry and sex was painful. I worried about not enjoying sex anymore, and not fulfilling my husband's needs. I tried many remedies and products but none helped. Manjakani Plus Gel has given pleasure and satisfaction back to us again. I am not dry anymore. I am well lubricated, smooth and tight, my husband says I feel like a virgin!"
Note: Names witheld at the request of testimonial givers.


Squeeze a little Manjakani Plus Gel onto your finger and gently sweep within the vagina. The tightening effect can be experienced almost immediately. Maximum effect will be felt within 10 to 15 minutes after application.

Ksh. 4,000 for 20g tube of Manjakani Plus gel. To order please call or text 0716587268